Facebook Advertising The Boost Post option is an easy way to just get the post in front of more eyes but you really need to take the time to learn how to use this. Many will boost just any post, but I prefer to boost a post that is a direct way to make money […]
Nothing is Private on Facebook
NOTHING on Facebook is ever PRIVATE! NOTHING! No matter what settings you have or where you post. Your Facebook profile and business page really is open to exposure by the public no matter how you have your privacy settings. Anytime you post anything on Facebook it is open game, even in closed groups. Even if […]
Success: What does it take?
Every massage therapist wants to create a successful massage business – one that has enough clients so that they can make a decent living, take vacations, save for retirement and maybe even one day retire. So what does it take to get there? With so many books, resources, websites, business coaches and help – why […]
How much can you really make as a self-employed, sole-proprietor as a massage therapists? Do the Math, but also keep your business simple and make it efficient! You will have an overhead and business expenses, but you might be paying too much and it will take giving more massages to make the money you need […]
Tipping! Yes or No?
The subject of accepting tips as a massage therapist seems to come up often on the many discussion boards and Facebook. Should you accept tips as a massage therapist? Some say Yes and some of course say No. Which is best for you and your business will depend on your own values and needs but […]
Getting Doctors to Refer to your massage business
Getting doctors to refer clients to your massage business is a big challenge still today even with massage being more accepted and having more research available. Doctors are usually very busy and don’t have time to learn about something like massage. There are many doctors and health care providers that would really be helping their […]