Raising Your Massage Fees is often a difficult part of being in business for yourself as a massage therapist. On one hand you want to be able to provide affordable massages to people and on the other hand, you need to make a living to stay in business so that you can continue to […]
It is about more than just the research
If you thought the focus of the International Massage Therapy Research Conference would be just about research, you would be missing the whole picture. What the conference (and the Massage Therapy Foundation) is about is more than just the research. It is about the few people who are standing up for the massage profession to […]
NCBTMB – Oh boy
First Letter to NCBTMB (just sent a few minutes ago…awaiting response): To NCBTMB Board of Directors Leena Guptha, Bruce Baltz, Jill Berkana, Veronica Stern, Brenda Jeanne Baker, Teresa M. Matthews, Michael McGillicuddy I just read your announcement on your new specialty certification on your website and I have many questions. How does this help the […]
Create Powerful Policies
Massage Cancellation and no show policies are perhaps the most important part of your massage business framework. Your business framework is what supports you in the process of doing business. These policies also bring up strong emotions and challenges in doing so. These policies can have an effect on your bottom line – as in […]
Top Tech Tools
It is time – non-tech savvy massage therapists to get on board! Technology can save you so much time and energy. Don’t be afraid! If you feel like you are overwhelmed by it all, just take one thing at a time. There is a bit of a learning curve that will take time but the […]
Online Scheduling Software for Massage Therapists
Online Scheduling Software for Massage Therapists is an important tool for your massage business. With online scheduling it frees up your time and lets clients book appointments directly from your website. There are so many different systems that is really difficult to choose. You just have to start testing them one by one to see […]