Raising your rates for massage can be an intimidating experience for massage therapists. I recommend that you raise your rates every few years. It is really a part of good self care while also just being a part of running a business. The cost of living goes up and your expenses go up each year […]
After the massage, there is the laundry
Yes indeed, Laundry is one of the biggest indicators that your massage business is going well. I bet you didn’t know that doing laundry would be such a big part of doing massage! I probably would have went into something else! Haha! Sheets are an important part of the process of the massage itself. I […]
It is all in a massage business name
Choosing a Massage business name requires careful thought and planning. Your name will carry with you for a long time even if you decide to change it. I share an office space with someone who used to have the name -Swedish, Sports and Therapeutic Massage which she started in 1984. Her business name has actually […]
Are you Ready to Start Your Massage Business?
Most massage therapists will eventually start their own business or some even start it right out of massage school. Starting a massage business takes more than most people think. If you are planning on starting a massage business in 2014 or anytime soon well start doing some planning first! Do you have enough in savings […]
What's the Value of a Massage Today?
How much is a massage really worth? What is the value of a massage today? I have heard so many massage therapist complaining about how groupon offers and franchise prices are driving down the value of a massage. The value of a massage is only what someone will pay for it. Many people will still […]
The art of making appointments
Making appointments with your massage clients is really an art form and it is really an important part of building a successful massage business. The appointment is of course how you will make your living. The more appointments and the more repeat appointments the better! When clients are calling to make an appointment (or emailing […]