Facebook is always changing the way they do things and in the past 6 months or so, the biggest issue is that they no longer are showing you what you want to see in your news feed. 1 Recent Posts vs Top Stories Make sure you are getting the recent posts and not the top […]
Facebook Advertising
Facebook Advertising The Boost Post option is an easy way to just get the post in front of more eyes but you really need to take the time to learn how to use this. Many will boost just any post, but I prefer to boost a post that is a direct way to make money […]
Nothing is Private on Facebook
NOTHING on Facebook is ever PRIVATE! NOTHING! No matter what settings you have or where you post. Your Facebook profile and business page really is open to exposure by the public no matter how you have your privacy settings. Anytime you post anything on Facebook it is open game, even in closed groups. Even if […]
Facebook Profile or Business Page for your Massage Business
Profile or Business Page. Using your personal profile page to promote your massage business is actually against the Facebook Terms of Service. That means you will need to create a Facebook Business page for your massage therapy business. It’s against the Facebook Terms to use your personal account to represent something other than yourself (example: […]
What Happened to All those Facebook Pages I liked?
Facebook has been making me crazy lately! Yes I have information overload! Since about last December, Facebook has also been controlling what posts show in your news feed. Have you been wondering what has happened to all those hundreds of pages that you have liked have gone? You are not getting the info that you […]
Facebook's Failing Newsfeed – Here is the Scoop!
Using Facebook can help you to build your massage business and also supplement your income but Facebook is becoming a more hit or miss as far as getting posts in people’s newsfeeds as I tested last week on my own Facebook Page with this post on Massage Practice Builder Post by Massage Practice Builder. (Sidebar: […]