Unconsicous Bias Class from Healwell.
We all have it–unconscious bias. Learning about our biases can help us provide better care for all people no matter what their race or sex or sexual orientation. Our brains process information in prediction loops (things such as daydreaming, memory, delusions are in prediction loops.) Our sensory input system provides us information from what is going on around us. Learning happens by combining our sensory input with our prediction loops. In this class you will start learning how our prediction loops get in our way and how sensory checks can help get you out of your prediction loops to provide better care.
Cultural Competence Class – FSTMB
Cultural Competence: Prejudice, Racism & Discrimination for Massage & Bodywork [1.0 CE Credit]
Prejudice, racism and discrimination all build on implicit bias or unconscious bias which is the unconscious attitude, stereotype and unintentional actions towards members of a group because of their membership in that specific group. Privileged is an unearned access to resources that are not readily available to others because of their groups. White privilege often is unconscious and shows up as defensiveness. This class actually brings up the other side of this that white people often will say that they haven’t had any privilege and that they had just as hard of a life as others and that black people sometimes use white privilege to be victims. Features clips from a Dr Phil Show on white privilege with on particular one from author Robin DiAngelo who wrote the book White Fragility.
Other resources: Oregons list of classes on cultural competence- https://www.oregon.gov/oha/OEI/Documents/CCCE%20Registry_010419.pdf