Facebook Advertising
The Boost Post option is an easy way to just get the post in front of more eyes but you really need to take the time to learn how to use this. Many will boost just any post, but I prefer to boost a post that is a direct way to make money from that post to make it more worthwhile. The thing with the boost post option is that your targeting is limited to your fans and their friends which may not be the target that you want.
Using the full featured Ad Manager you can test the images you use in your posts and test the text that you use in your post to get the best combination of photo and text that will get you new clients. You also have more options for targeting people who see your ad. You can limit it to people who are in your specific city and zip code.
There is also a way to add a piece of tracking code to your website to track visitors to your site so then you can actually create an ad that targets the people who have visited your website already. Here are the steps to take in Facebook Ad Manager (See Facebook Help too):
- Go to your ads manager and click Audiences on the left side of the screen.
- Click Create Audience on the top right side of the screen.
- Select Custom Audience From Your website
- Copy the code the appears and follow the on screen instructions to paste it in your website code.
- Let the code track your visitors for a while to get data. You can be using boost post options or creating link posts to try to get people to your website directly.
- You can then create an ad using this data directly on Facebook in the ad Manager under the section that says : Audience >>>Browse for audience>>> Select your Custom Audience.
You can also upload your email list of clients directly into Facebook Ad Manager and target clients who are on Facebook. See more on Custom Audiences in Facebook help.
The Power Editor is also another Facebook Ad manager which is much more complex and robust. www.facebook.com/powereditor It is really complex and takes a lot to learn so start with the boost post options and work your way up.