Facebook is about fun and community. You can use your Facebook page to do just that with your clients/potential clients.
The way to do that is to create posts that people like to share with others or comment on. That creates more interest from others about your Facebook page and your services. When people see their friends making comments or sharing your post or photos that you share, then they will often want to check out what you are doing.
Creating posts with pictures often get more engagement which means more clients for you.
To start with you will need to have photos that you can share. You need to understand that you can not just take any photo that you find off of the internet and use it on your website or on Facebook because photos are copyrighted and the property of the photographer. You have a few options:
- Get the photographers permission
- Take your own photos or have them taken
- Find Creative Commons photos that are free to use. Make sure you track where you got the image from in case they change that to a copyrighted photo later on. See www.creativecommons.org or www.photopin.com
- Buy stock photos (which are usually poorly done with massage therapists with long fingernails and jewelry on with their clients heads turned to the side cranking their neck into more pain…etc!)
- Buy real massage photos from Ryan Hoyme aka www.massagenerd.com – Real massage therapists doing real massage! No long fingernails! No heads turned to the side!
The thing about using photos on Facebook is that you usually need to make them more ‘shareable’. People like cute, adorable, funny and things that they can relate to.You also want to add text to your photos with a call to action or at least with your website address on it so when it does get shared on other pages that people can know where it came from.
So here is what you do:
- Think about what it is that you want to accomplish. Do you want more shares and Facebook likes to get more likes (potential clients) or do want to get a new client? You will want to do both at different times but you just need to know what your goal is to start creating your masterpiece! Pick one!
- Find a photo that you like and that really says something about massage or what you do.
- Go to www.picmonkey.com to edit and create your masterpiece.
- You will need to change it to the correct size for posting on Facebook. Here is a list of all the image sizes that are on Facebook. The one you are most interested in though is either the post size for the timeline which is 403 x 403 or the highlighted post of 843x 403. That is what you need so the image does not get cut off when you post it!
- Use the edit photo option in picmonkey.com to add text or other special effects. They have seasonal effects too!
So you can take images like this that you can get from Ryan (in the photoshop collection)

Turns in to this! And a big sharing opportunity on your Facebook Page!

Some other things you can do is to say things like ‘share this with your friends’ or ‘like this if you can relate’. People need to be reminded! The more likes and shares you get, the more Facebook likes you and the greater the potential for getting more clients!
You can also get more specific with the text you use on the photos and make a specific call to action: Call for your massage today! or Book online now!
Get the idea! Make things that people will want to share! Make things that people will relate to emotionally! OK now you!