The words Massage and Massage Therapy have often been used by prostitutes (Illicit Massage Businesses, Illegitimate Massage Businesses or aka Brothels doing business as massage therapists) as a cover for their illegal prostitution businesses. Even today, legitimate massage therapists are thought to be giving ‘happy endings’ despite the progress we have made in the profession in being recognized as healthcare professionals and all the research that shows that massage works.
The continued confusion between a legitimate massage business and a IMB/Brothel doing business as massage, finds legitimate massage businesses/therapists dealing with more and more requests for sex. A recent article (Sexual harassment of massage therapists by their clients Morgan E. Richard , Lucia F. O’Sullivan , and Tom Peppard. Department of Psychology, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, NB Association of New Brunswick Massage Therapists, Fredericton, NB) found:
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