Talking Body, Listening Hands. Pamela Fitch
I became
a fan of Pamela Fitch after reading the articles on her website about Attachment and Massage/Touch.
One can never get enough information and guidance on working with transference, counter-transference and the therapeutic relationship.
Nina McIntosh’s: The Educated Heart: Professional Boundaries for Massage therapists and Bodyworkers. Laura Allen
have the very first edition of this book and the second, so of course I need the 4th edition that is now written by Laura Allen as Nina McIntosh passed away awhile ago.
Touch Science
I am newly fascinated with touch science. What we do is so much more than just massage therapy. When you touch someone, you are ‘touched’ back too.
Pain Science
I also have been recently intrigued by pain science and how that science can be applied to what we do as massage therapists. I have been told that these books will get me started in understanding pain.
Integrative Pain Management. Diana Thompson