Facebook Reels are short videos created by users and uploaded to their Reels platform. It is their answer to TikTok although they are far behind so they also have just started PAYING people to create Reels and to create a following. (You have to use your phone to create and upload Reels. It isn’t available for the computer) Here is their announcement:
Reels Play on Facebook will pay a bonus to eligible Facebook creators whose Reels get at least 1000 views over a 30-day period on Facebook. Reels from creators in the invite-only program must meet our content monetization policies and the content must be owned by the creator in order to count towards the bonus.
The Reels Play on Facebook bonus program is currently invite-only. Creators who are invited will be notified in the Facebook App and in Creator Studio and can sign up to learn more here.
Getting Invited to the Reels Program
Honestly, when I first looked at this I was shocked that this was even happening. I watched about a half hour of reels and it was the biggest waste of time I had ever seen. NOTHING was useful or even entertaining. I was taking a class on Facebook with Mari Smith and learned that Facebook was paying people to create these Reels. So as part of my homework for class I created a few reels. (Yes cat, horse, garden and dog videos!) After a few weeks I got an invite from Facebook to join the Reels program and at first I thought it was a scam so I did not click on it and I didn’t get it—why would they pay me for this….well crap! But then someone in class said they just got a check for $5k for their Reels and took a second look. The person had a business he was trying to promote but the Reels were on—well nothing again. So I took to creating a few more Reels to see if I could get invited again.
It was sort of confusing to get accepted. I first noticed the option to add a professional dashboard to my profile.

At the time I did not even know that would connect me to the Reels program but it did. So I created a few more Reels — my friends new puppy, my neighbors filly being born and other horse videos. I forgot about it for probably a month and then I was checking my Reels and saw a little $ sign in my account and clicked on it and it said I could apply so I did! After a week I had $1.87 for doing nothing but creating a Reel which took about 2 minutes.
Using Facebook Reels to Promote Your Business and the Massage Profession
So what if every massage therapist started creating Reels that had meaning or that showed massage therapy in a very postive way to help start the process of Reclaiming our Name from Brothels disguised as massage businesses?
Let’s try it! Follow my Page on Facebook and also my Profile.