At some time in your career in massage, you will be asked to bill insurance for a long time client or friend who was just in a car accident or hurt at work. You might also be thinking about taking insurance if you need more clients or are looking for ways to supplement your income and sustain you through a changing economy. You may prefer the experience of working in a more clinical environment where you see more injuries and health conditions.
Billing insurance for massage therapy services can help supplement your income and give you a steady flow of clients. People who are injured and have other people paying are likely to come more often. When someone is hurt at work or injured in a motor vehicle collision, the insurance will usually pay for massage sessions to help their recovery process.
More and more health insurance companies are paying for massage therapy sessions. In WA State, massage therapists have been a part of health care and paid by health insurance since about 1999, when a law made it so massage therapy was covered. More states are looking for solutions to the Opioid epidemic and looking to massage as part of the answer.
Some insurance companies will pay what you bill and others will pay less than what you bill. It takes more time and energy in the form of paperwork to bill insurance so it is important to decide for yourself if billing insurance will help make your massage business more profitable. It is a matter of just doing the math as well as deciding if this is right for you.
My Free Report: Will Billing Insurance Help Make Your Massage Business More Profitable can help you decide if billing insurance is right for you!